Our department contributes to various forms of education. A-LIFE is responsible for two Bachelor programs at the VU, and provides courses for other study programs. Below you can find more information about these programs. Click here to see all courses with A-LIFE involvement.

Bachelor study programs with A-LIFE management


Study program statistics

47 first-year students in 2022-2023

Student satisfaction 4.1 out of 5

The program is awarded ‘Top Programme’ quality seal

The VU Bachelor Biology offers a good base to start your career in life sciences. Biological systems (both ecological and biochemical) will be scrutinized in this program by doing labwork and fieldwork. The small scale of this program ensures good personal guidance and there is a lot of room for electives to put together your own personal program.

Gezondheid en Leven

Study program statistics

353 first-year students in 2022-2023

95% of the students continue studying after this Bachelor

Anguilla is the study association of Gezondheid en Leven

In this Bachelor program you learn about all aspects in life, health and sickness. From molecule to society. After a broad first year, you can choose one of the three majors; Biomedical Sciences, Sustainable Healthcare or Clinical Sciences. This provides a broad study program with a lot of options to choose from.

Other Bachelor programs with A-LIFE involvement