Our department contributes to various forms of education. A-LIFE is responsible for two Master programs at the VU, and provides courses for other study programs. Below you can find more information about these programs. Click here to see all courses with A-LIFE involvement.

Master study programs with A-LIFE management

Biomolecular Sciences

Study program statistics

35 first-year students in 2022-2023

Three majors to graduate in

Student satisfaction of 4.1 out of 5

In the master Biomolecular Sciences, we want to develop solutions for the demanding challenges that our society faces by focussing on the fundamentals of molecular and cellular processes to. The program combines both compulsory core courses, most of them in the first year to provide knowledge in molecular biology, and a selection of elective courses to be able to delve deeper in specific topics.

Ecology & Evolution

Study program statistics

24 first-year students in 2022-2023

Collaboration between VU and UvA

Choose one out of the five specializations

This programme enables you to understand and explain why the natural world looks the way it does. You will also develop the tools to solve problems caused by pollution, biodiversity loss, climate change etc. The program combines the expertise of two universities: the VU and the UvA (University of Amsterdam). You will carry out two research projects and create your personal scientific profile dependent on the courses and specialization you choose.

Other Master programs with A-LIFE involvement